Poisoning in children can occur with anything that should not be ingested, or at least ingested in certain quantities.
A poison can be a chemical, medicine, or even a plant or an essential oil. Essentials are very popular at the moment and they smell so delicious, so we should be extra careful with the.
Some essential oils can be ingested in small quantities but this needs to be advised by a professional in the field. Only 2-3 drops may be enough to cause toxicity.
They mimic fat soluble drugs, meaning they are easily absorbed through the mucous membranes (gums, inside lips ect..) and skin.
Poioning is covered extensively in our child first aid courses.
Symptoms of essential oil poisoning include:
- Tummy upset
- Mucous membrane irritation
- Agitation
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
There can many dangers for children in the home, such as:
- Laundry and cleaning products
- Bug spray
- Plant feed or weed killer
- Pool products
- Essential oils
The best and most effective way to prevent injury to a child with these products is to keep them up very high or locked away. Never underestimate a child’s ability to surprise you and do something that you never thought they would do (my own story coming up…)

Funnel Web Spider First Aid
In Australia there are also plenty of poisonous insects and animals in our back gardens to watch out for! We tackled this over on our instagram account not long ago in a Reel. Below we will outline what the steps for funnel web spider first aid amongst other deadly creatures!
There are some deadly creatures such as cone shell snail, funnel web spiders, blue ringed octopus and all Australian venomous snakes.
The best way to treat a poisonous bite or sting from one of these deadly creatures is by using PIT – pressure immobilisation technique. It is a good idea to attend a first aid course to learn how to do this properly.
It works by restricting access of the venom to the child’s circulation.
The method is as follows:
Place a small bandage directly over the site of the bite. Make sure it is tight enough for you NOT to be able to slide a finger under the bandage.
Then get a slightly bigger bandage and bandage the limb from the fingertips or toes upwards towards shoulder/hip.Make sure an ambulance has been called and try to keep the child as calm as possible. This is the type of situation where we don’t want a racing heart beat.
Chid First Aid for Battery Ingestion
Another type of poisoning is battery ingestion. This is a medical emergency. One child goes to hospital every day in Australia because of battery ingestion.
The Moisture reacts with leftover electrical current and creates a stong alkali chemical.
This reaction can burn through an oesophagus or stomach in 2 hours leaving permanent damage. The battery can also leak chemicals causing internal burns.
Symptoms can include:
- No appetite difficulty eating food
- Chest pain
- Blood stained saliva
- Dark poo
- Drooling
- Noisy breathing
- Coughing
- Vomiting blood
- Fever
Poisoning First Aid
If you know or suspect your child has ingested a battery of any kind, seek medical attention immediately. Internal injuries can begin to happen in just 20 minutes.
Over at The Nest, we are not immune to household incidents just because we teach all about how to deal with them!
A while ago my (then) 5 year old was thought to have possibly ingested a tablet of adult medication.
He was seen playing with the box and holding the tablet (both of which were immediately taken off him!) but was also seen putting the tablet back.

Later on, it became apparent that a tablet was missing.
We asked him calmly if he took the tablet or just put it in his mouth at all, and we made sure he knew he wouldn’t be in trouble if he told us exactly what happened.
He was adamant that he didn’t put it in his mouth but nonetheless, there was still a tablet missing.
It wasn’t clear exactly what happened so I had to assume the worst and take steps to find out what symptoms I should be looking for.
Luckily for me I had some helpful friends on speed dial, one an expert in toxicology and the other a paediatrician.
They told me what to watch for and how long I’d need to watch him for.
However I would tell anyone else in that situation to ring the Poisons Information Centre on • 13 11 26 •
I slept with him that night and he was fine. He probably didn’t ingest it but it put my mind at rest to be with him!
Being a mum completely overrides the rational thoughts of my inner nurse.
Moral of the story? That these things happen to ANYONE, even if your children are being watched and even if you are a children’s nurse and first aid professional!
Want more? We’ve got you covered…
Our Baby First Aid Courses
Our baby first aid courses are available in person in your home and online. We run classes in your home with groups of 2, 4 or up to 10 in Sydney & Melbourne and you can book in 3 easy steps!
- Pick your class
- Follow the prompts to purchase
- We will contact you within 24 hours to lock in your date of choice
Our First Aid Certificate Courses
We run most of the popular first aid courses Australia wide. HLTAID011 Provide First Aid, HLTAID009 Provide CPR, HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education & Care Setting, RAMOAP (anaphylaxis), Mental Health first aid and CPR/LVR to name a few.
Book your public spot online or contact us if you have a group of 5+ people for onsite training.
Here are some other resources you may enjoy!
FREE GUIDE: Your Virtual Baby First Aid Kit
FREE GUIDE: Introducing Common Allergy Foods & Allergic Reactions
FREE Workplace Emergency Preparedness Plan: Grab this at the bottom of every page!
Follow for baby & child first aid and allergy info and tips on Instagram, TikTok & Facebook all @thenestcpr