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daily mail baby choking

7 News and Daily Mail Feature My Life-Saving Baby First Aid Warning

baby choking in park first aid

I am incredibly honoured to share the story of how my life-saving actions as a paediatric nurse have captured the attention of several major news outlets, including 7 NewsDaily Mail and Mamamia. As a nurse and a mother, I’ve always been passionate about empowering parents with the knowledge and confidence to handle emergency situations like choking or allergic reactions. But never did I imagine that one day, my personal experience of saving a baby’s life would resonate with so many people across Australia.

It all started with an ordinary day that took a terrifying turn when a six-month-old baby girl began choking. My training and mother’s instincts kicked in, and I was able to act quickly, saving her life. This moment reminded me just how fast things can go wrong and how critical it is for parents to be prepared. Since then, I’ve been on a mission to spread the word about the importance of baby first aid—ensuring that parents everywhere feel empowered to handle these emergencies calmly and confidently.

Thanks to the coverage from 7 News, Daily Mail, Mamamia and other well-known publications like PerthNow and Herald Sun, I’ve had the opportunity to share my story with a much wider audience. These features have not only helped raise awareness about baby first aid but have also emphasised how accessible these life-saving skills are for every parent and caregiver.

1. 7 News

One of the most significant features was by 7 News, where I shared the emotional and critical moment when I saved a six-month-old baby girl from choking while in Sydney. 

As a paediatric nurse, it was one of those life-defining moments that reinforced the importance of every parent learning how to respond quickly and correctly to choking incidents.

7 News highlighted my plea for parents to equip themselves with first aid knowledge, as these skills can make the difference between life and death in an emergency. This feature showcased the immense value of baby first aid courses and their ability to give parents the confidence to act in high-pressure situations. 

You can read the full story and learn more about the incident here.

baby first aid choking 6 months

2. Daily Mail

The Daily Mail published an in-depth piece that not only covered the life-saving moment but also included my warning to all parents: choking incidents can happen in an instant, and knowing what to do is important. This feature was particularly impactful as it reached a wide audience across Australia, helping raise awareness about the importance of baby first aid education.

In the article, I explained that while it’s easy for parents to panic, having the knowledge and skills to act quickly can prevent tragic outcomes. The Daily Mail article has become a cornerstone of my mission to promote baby first aid courses, and you can read more about my advice to parents here.

3. Mamamia 

I was honoured to be featured in Mamamia, where I shared my passion for helping parents learn essential baby first aid skills. In this feature, I discussed the critical need for parents to feel confident in emergency situations like choking and allergic reactions. The article focused on how quick, informed action can make all the difference, and highlighted the practical steps parents can take to ensure their child’s safety.

You can read the full Mamamia feature here.

baby choking in park mamamia

4. PerthNow

PerthNow was another publication that picked up my story, focusing on the importance of preparedness in emergencies. This feature emphasised how my quick actions saved a life and how crucial it is for parents to learn baby first aid techniques

The article also touched on the emotional aspects of the incident, highlighting the panic that parents often feel in such situations and how first aid knowledge can empower them to act confidently and effectively.

5. Herald Sun

I was also fortunate to be featured in the Herald Sun. This piece focused on the importance of preventative measures that parents can take to avoid choking incidents. It featured my personal tips on how to handle common choking hazards and how to react if your child is in danger. The Herald Sun article reinforced the message that choking can happen unexpectedly, and being prepared with the right knowledge is essential for every parent.

You can read my full interview and learn more about these preventative measures here.

6. Aussie Magazine

In Aussie Magazine, my story was shared with a focus on the life-saving actions I took to prevent a tragedy from occurring. The article honed in on how these quick and decisive actions can save a life when a baby is choking. This feature allowed me to explain the importance of baby first aid in everyday parenting and how easy it is for parents to gain the skills they need to handle emergencies.

You can check out the full article here.

7. Kidspot

I was also featured in Kidspot, where I shared specific warnings and advice for parents to prevent choking incidents. In this feature, I provided essential tips that every parent should know when it comes to baby first aid. Kidspot’s focus on family and parenting made this feature a particularly important avenue to share my message, as it reached an audience of concerned parents who are eager to learn more about keeping their children safe.

You can read the full feature and my advice to parents here.

8. Other Media Features

In addition to these major publications, several other outlets have shared my story, helping to spread the word about baby first aid. Each of these features contributes to a growing awareness of the need for parents to be prepared in emergencies:

Why Baby First Aid is Important for Parents

These media features have allowed me to share my mission: helping parents become empowered with the skills to handle emergency situations, like choking or allergic reactions, with confidence and calmness. Baby first aid knowledge is essential because accidents can happen at any moment, and knowing how to respond appropriately can prevent life-threatening situations from escalating.

Parents often feel anxious about introducing common allergy foods to their baby or managing situations like choking, and my baby first aid courses are designed to address these concerns, providing step-by-step guidance on how to act in critical moments.


If you’re a parent, grandparent, or caregiver, I encourage you to take the time to learn baby first aid. My courses provide practical, easy-to-understand lessons that will give you the confidence to respond effectively in an emergency. Whether it’s choking, an allergic reaction, or CPR, these are skills that every parent needs.

Join one of my baby first aid courses to gain the knowledge that could one day save your child’s life.

To stay updated with more tips and advice on baby first aid, follow me on Instagram and Facebook. I regularly share important insights on keeping your little ones safe, from introducing common allergy foods to knowing the difference between gagging and choking.


Thank you again to 7 News, Daily Mail, Mamamia and other media outlets for helping me share my message. Let’s work together to ensure every parent has the knowledge and skills they need to keep their babies safe.

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